Thursday, 19 May 2011

lamb cutlets

1 comment:

  1. Crimea was where the Lamb Cutlet came to the culinary attention of Staff Kitchen Major John Thomas, who brought this dish back to the British Isles. A quick dish to prepare while in the war theatre of the 19 century, JT as he was known, was keen to ensure his English comrades in arms enjoyed the lightly grilled lambe flambe as he called it.

    After the war,Major Tom searched far and wide for the mint that he knew would make the finest accompaniment for this dish; the famous 1813 Mint Find of Branscombe (where the pickle comes from actually), was an historic moment and proved that his pursuit of mint to replace the hated side dish of prunes was justified.

    There are three mentions of lamb cutlets in Deuteronomy, and a coded message about their purity in the apocryphal Book of Enoch.
